Friday, April 13, 2007

long time no update...

Baby was born on March 25 @ 3:49pm. I did have a successful waterbirth at home and it was a lot of hard work. He is a boy!!! He weighed 11 pounds at birth.
The day after he was born, there was some concern that he was breathing very fast and we made a decision to take him in to the urgent care at Children's Mercy South to have him checked out. What should have been a quick overnight observation turned into a nightmare of blood tests, spinal taps, misdiagnoses, ambulance transports, IVs, and 4 different antibiotics and we were trapped in the hospital for 2 straight weeks.
I am working on writing his story but it will be a little longer before I process all of it. We were freed from the hospital on April 9.
There was never anything "wrong" with him. He is a huge healthy happy perfect baby. Nothing I did made him sick. He is not sick. Nothing that I did or did not do during my pregnancy and birth caused him to be admitted to the hospital or put his health at any risk.
His name is Robby.

Since we have been home, we have had some rough times adjusting but we are doing ok for now. The whole experience has been far from what I hoped for and now we have to figure out damage control, but now I'm just grateful that it is all over. For instance, we were separated from Riley for the entire two weeks, save for a couple short visits. Her entire routine is gone. She doesn't know when to go to bed, she's been eating all kinds of crap, and she is terrified to be apart from us now.
But she's doing pretty good, all things considered:

And Robby is wonderful. We are so blessed to have such an excellent family and that we are all healthy and able to be together.

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