Friday, March 23, 2007


Ok, I'm an hour away from turning over the end of my 42nd week in this pregnancy. That's long enough. Let's not make it another week baby. Come on out now.

Need to take more pictures I guess, haven't done any since those last ones and at this point every day is really a milestone where most people only need to count in weeks. But I keep telling myself I won't see another week go by.......and then I do. I guess I'm not going to fulfill my dream that told me the baby's birthday would be a date that ended in the number 3. Unless it is April 3rd. And I really really really really really really do not want to cross over to another month.

I'm just getting irritable. It has been "baby, baby, baby, baby" for a month already now and there is no damn baby to show for it! I'm already getting sick of talking about baby stuff and I don't even have a baby. I was so thrilled and obsessed with the cute little clothes and diapers, now I don't even look at them anymore.

I busted and re-busted my ass over and over keeping the house to my dream standard of clean and now I physically am not able to keep up with it and it is getting all trashed and dirty. If I wanted the house to look as nice and neat as I wish it would, it would really take me several hours a day to maintain it because I am so slow-moving and R is so fast at un-cleaning whatever I just get done with.

Either that or she needs to go live somewhere else and then stuff would stay looking good. Seriously, she can't even sleep here if I'm going to get a break. I have to change her damn sheets EVERY. SINGLE. FRICKING. DAY!

She either pees on them or dumps a drink or gets all sweaty or drools. And I don't think it is unsanitary to say that if it was just sweat or drool, I could make sure it got dried out before her next sleeptime and she could at least sleep on it for two days before I had to change the whole bed again. But she is too picky and if there is the slightest bit of dampness anywhere when she wakes up, she'll loudly point it out to me and if I try to sneak her back into the bed without putting on fresh sheets and pillowcase, she won't go to sleep until I do. She'll stand there and yell "Ew, gross! Gross bed. MOMMY! Gross bed wet, yucky!" for apparently ever. I've tried to talk her down from it for half an hour and she will not let it go. Even if the bed is not at all wet when I put her in it, if it was wet that morning she will not lay in it until it is freshly made. Stuck-up little monkey. I'll sleep twice on a pillow I've drooled on, and I'm telling you...I am not a dirty person!

So I guess my rant-vent of today is about changing crib sheets. Wasn't expecting that one. And to top it off, I am so round that it is painful to try to lean over the side of the crib bar to get the sheets tucked in.

And we'll have to quit eating too. Doing dishes sucks. When I was a little kid, my mom quit doing dishes and we just had paper plates and plastic cups. I haven't been able to bring myself to that, and don't know if I ever will. I don't even take disposable stuff on picnics or in packed lunches. So now I feel sorry for myself because my conscience is preventing me from developing a higher level of laziness.

Fucking hell, can I please pop this kid out so I can not think about doing this stupid shit for at least a couple of days??????

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