Friday, February 23, 2007

Daycare Bullshit

Just came across this latest little tidbit of news, check it out by reading this site:
The Lactivist Blog

I just practically don't even have words for how ridiculous that is. Charging extra fees to care for a breastfed infant? It is the height of lame excuses, that's for sure. Crazy bitch daycare lady.
And yeah, I know calling names and being nasty are not the marks of good lactivism, but I don't think anybody from Ohio is going to read my blog and I'm not feeling very wordy or intellectual right now to actually type out all the reasons why it is wrong and stupid, etc. etc.
Anyway, most of you are smart enough to already know the boob gospel as truth and are used to hearing this kind of fucked up story.

On a side note, I'm thinking that I might start utilizing one of the exclusive blogging sites, maybe blogger like what The Lactivist uses....
I feel like I am limiting my exposure by being only on Myspace, because a lot of people are anti-Myspace on principle and so they won't join and can't read me here. And since one of my blogging goals is to contain my picture whoring away from KCAP, I'd at least like to do it somewhere that KCAPer's will still look at my pictures.

Speaking of picture-whoring, let me see what I've got for you today. Not much new I think, but I'm sure I've got something.

Well, here's a few of the new baby's diapers. I LOVE these colors!

Here's R taking a picture of me taking a picture of her with her Barbie camera she got for V-Day.

A few from the car show last weekend. I really need to make time to sit down and edit all the pics from that. I totally did take over a hundred.
Here's a cool car:

Here's a couple of goofy guys, I think these poses are getting old but I love these two losers so I keep putting up with it.

And I took this for R, she didn't want to go with us, she went shopping with Grandma instead but I wish she could have been there to see this guy-

And finally, here is a true pimp ride, you all know you'll see me rolling like this someday-

Last little side note, I put my lip ring back in last night. I have no idea why I thought to try it. I had it out since before Christmas. It feels weird but I'm thinking I might leave it again now for awhile.

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