Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Blegh. I hate feeling like this, so disconnected from people who I thought were our friends. I guess sometimes people just grow apart over time but it is so weird.
It really makes me second-guess how I act and how much I trust people. Just recently I've really become aware that these two guys (men really) have been withdrawing from our company and even lying to us to keep us at a distance from their "real" lives. One has had a girlfriend for a few months and I heard the other just started dating someone which might explain why we haven't seen him for several weeks.
The thing is, Riley is really really attached to these two guys. She's not a baby, and separation really depresses her. She will ask me to call them for her, and ask why they aren't coming over, and cry because she misses them. She even calls one of them uncle, he was friends with Brian for years before I even knew Brian.
It breaks my heart that she will cry for these people who I let into her life, who I facilitated her attachment to, and they just don't have time for her anymore and they obviously just don't care. If they could just stop by occasionally and visit her for an hour! And I mean, actually visit her and play with her, not just stand in the garage and talk to Brian for a minute or work on a motor and then bail out because they've got "stuff to do".
How do I deal with this, as a mom? How do I know who to trust? Who isn't going to hurt my little girl's feelings?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thats a hard one. I have been in a few situations like this. I had a real close friend who I had to say goodbye to due to her attachment to things in MY life. I finally just told the kids they moved FAR away and we cant go see them. Easier for them to understand. I also made my best friend from high school (we had been friends since third grade) Blaize's God-Mother. She sees him maybe once a year even tho she is in town a lot. Its hard but people who don't have families have different priorities I guess. You can always give me a call we can go to the park or something.